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Recording transcriptions

This feature applies a powerful and sophisticated speech recognition engine to convert whole conversation into text, keeping local and remote party separated to better follow conversation trend.

The embedded speech recognition engine can automatically detect the language, out of over 30 supported languages.

Once the transcription is applied, Voice Analytics web portal displays the conversation content, allowing to search for keywords and sentences within a single party or both parties, to better understand customers’ needs, identify new marketing opportunities, or evaluate the performance of call center agents. You can also add a text note to each recording, to summarize discussed topics.

You can also listen to single sections of the transcribed conversation and export whole recording transcription into a text file.

There are a number of indisputable advantages of such feature:

  • The possibility to analyze all the recordings on time, without losing any detail or point of interest, otherwise possible only by listening to whole recording content;

  • Save time and money in retrieving crucial keywords and sentences within a conversation;

  • The ability to proactively and precisely react in case of need, whether we are talking about the training to operators, or about intercepting problems with a customer. This is way the best tool to transform a dissatisfied customer to enthusiastic!

Recording transcription allows to add keyword and/or sentence tags, to quickly check if recordings are including any or some of these configurable tags.

An embedded recordings web player allows to simultaneously view captured screen and audio conversations, for a comprehensive analytics experience.


Sentiment analysis

An “AI” engine embedded in Voice Analytics application can analyze the intonation, cadence and transcription content of the whole conversation or single sections, to detect the “mood” of involved call parties and rate it as negative (sad emoticon), neutral (grey emoticon) or positive (smile emoticon). 

This is extremely useful to understand how the conversation went and eventual outcome. If a customer calls a customer service call center, this tool allows to evaluate the performances of call center agents by just checking overall call sentiment or by analyzing mood trends (from negative to positive or vice versa).

A Sentiment Analysis Dashboard is available, allowing recording-enabled users to analyze sentiment trends in a specific time frame, through embedded graphical widgets providing charts and patterns about average sentiment values at overall, local party and remote party level. 


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